Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Pool reach the finals of Champion League!!

It's really funny how I can ask 8 different people when the finals of the Champion League is and they tell me Wednesday morning. That, of course, was the 2nd match of the semi-finals between Liverpool and Chelsea. And of course, 7 of the 8 people I asked were Pool fans. What an encouragement that all Pool fans think that today is the finals, cos if we didn't get past today, the finals wouldn't have been a Final.

Watching the match at 3am in the morning is not joke; especially when they couldn't seem to find the net. And when they did, the blardy linesman blows for offside. WTF!!

But this picture sums it up at the end of penalties.

Now all that's left is for Milan to knock Manure out of the running and we will have a historic match to watch. Milan will want revenge for being knocked out on penalties 3 years ago against Pool.

Maybe a Manure-Pool match wouldn't be as tough? Whatever, Milan or Manure, they will both go down!!


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