adventures at ink; culinary delights and superbaby!!
had a delicious dinner last night prepared by my baby and serene with meiting as the official food taster (who btw doesn't eat vegatables...). altho the lasagne turned out slightly drier than expected, it was made up for with the delectable generous wallop of cheeses. *yum* had the red wine beef stew also - dish created by my baby and me when we had too much wine, meats, carrots. and also we followed the mum's advice.
"i have no recipe. i just throw whatever i can find into the pot and it normally turns out alright." if only it were that easy. sounds like anthony bourdain when he travels around the globe and seems to know instantly how the locals prepare any dish. heh.
last friday was at ink with some of the group and we have now officially established the "last friday of the month" gathering. simply means that we will meet every last friday of the month. being the busy people that we all are, coordinating the schedules of 15 people is no mean feat. and tks to tze wei, he is now the moderator cum official gathering I/C. *grin* of cos we were trying to wrangle on location for this coming friday, and jean apparently has 'volunteered' the use of her car while beng has offered his driving expertise. then again, she does stay in a ulu-fied area of the east so maybe not her place...i prefer makan and drinks outside. *smile*
here's some pictures from last friday... apparently the brown sugar stick was a hit with mag, jeric and umm..mag and jeric.and finally to end this post, i grabbed this photo of a poster at the clinic earlier this evening. i present to you superbaby!! he fights off men, he vanquishes bad coughs annnddd he even conquers nasty diseases....hope he doesn't recognise himself when he grows up. *roflol*
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