Sunday, July 17, 2005

I completed KOTOR!!

Inspirethereal Completes KOTOR in 43h20m!

Coruscant - It is four thousand years before the Galatic Empire and hundreds of Jedi Knights have fallen in battle against the ruthless Sith.

Inspirethereal has heeded the call of the Jedi Order. Being literally the last hope of the Jedi, he has led a band of freedom fighters in an epic struggle to save the galaxy. Many are the Sith who have fallen in combat to the Inspirethereal.

"It took many nights of playing until 2am and the odd 5am over the weekend, coupled with good hand eye coordination and a lot of intelligent guesswork but it's all in the bag," said Inspirethereal, Jedi Master. "There was this fight that took me nearly 30mins, just before facing Darth Malak, where I had to continually fight this room full of droids that kept being recreated by the Starforge. In the end, I realised that i had to hack into the Starforge computer systems to disable the recreation process," continued Inspirethereal.

"I could have perished there!" Inspirethereal stated simply.

Well, the Republic is glad that he did not, for he went on to defeat Darth Malak, his former apprentice in single combat. We like to think that Darth Malak learnt the truth of the Source as he slumped to the ground, to his death. There were many Jedi casualties but the Ebon Hawk was able to lift free of the Starforge as Republic forces moved into position to blast it clear out of Republic System space.

"It was a spectacular victory! The Starforge disintegrated after we blasted the orbiting command centre! What a sight!" exclaims Admiral Dodonna, Commander of the Republic Forces, Armed Forces representative to the Senate, Republic Systems Space.

There will be a parade hosted tomorrow for the freedom fighters in the Jedi Tower Gardens on Coruscant. The Jedi Council will be there to award the highest honour onto their prodigal knight, Revan aka Inspirethereal. Prospective audiences are advised to arrive early as there will be security clearances and a large crowd expected.

2 straight, not straightened:

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Raffy said...

Well done... Jedi Master Inspirethereal... May the force be with you!

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote a whole blog entry on that junior????



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