Wednesday, December 13, 2006

i am really feeling very drained out after the past 3 weeks...

the title says it all. it's been 3 really really tiring weeks with all the work, dealing with the bitch of a housing agent, working out the loan stuff with the lawyers and the bank. i am *pooped*, drained, tired, exhausted, mentally blocked, adrenaline un-fixed. whatever.

work just never seems to stop piling up! i cancelled my finally-earned-missed-so-much leave this week because i had 5 activities happen in 7 days from end November. i mean i freakin' worked on my birthday for cryin' out loud. and so i entered this week thinking that it would slow down.

was i ever wrong man. blardy hell, i have been coordinating projects, doing normal day to day, fire-fighting and standing in for my team. it's like there is no rest. farkin' hell. i am paid to consult and advise my clients. why do i not feel i am doing any of team granted has got compromising circumstances - one is sick, one is overloaded, two are offsite, one is handling different parts of the account - but really, just sometimes, i feel really du lan. tell me about it. the same time that i already have a full plate on my table. i still had to get the freakin' bitch of an agent to get me the signed OTP form so that i can meet the lawyers to get the conveyance process sorted out. then i had to ensure enough money in the account. never thot i would say god for citibank ready credit. and at the end of it all, i meet one of the nicest, confidence-inspiring lawyers today who seems so lao jiao that he knows exactly how to advise me on my property conveyance. to top that up, the seller is not too bad a guy as welll; since he is like saying aside from money he is willing to pretty much let me move in and renovate really soon.

so lotsa ups and downs to handle. oh yeah, the ofc is moving by this friday so i need to get involved with handling my own stuff and the client inventory in the ofc so that's not funny. add to that a full day mtg next monday which needs a 3-4 hour presentation preparation period. did i mention that i foolishly took leave on friday? this is not funny. really.

the AD index, for those of you who know my MSN, has really blardy well hit the fuckin' roof!

0 straight, not straightened:

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