Wednesday, April 13, 2005

what's the point of a signal if you do not use the bloody thing?

allow me to extrapolate on why this nation is having a falling birth rate. contrary to popular opinion that out national citizens are too tired to have sex and make love after returning home late from work, let me offer to you an alternative opinion.

the reason why i believe that our nation has a falling birth rate is due to IDIOTS not signalling on the roads. this, of course, leads to many consequences which i shall attempt to outline in my argument below:

1) it is too stressful to drive in the mornings, in the afternoons and at night or in the early morning, the late morning, the early afternoon, late afternoon, early evening etc...(you get the idea). the stress causes both sperm and ova levels to fall gradually, creating an accumulative effect which results in low sperm count or irregular periods therefore making the proportional chances of having a baby significantly smaller.

2) accident rate increases due to sloppiness of our nation's many drivers. more accidents results in more injuries to persons, whether mental or physical. hence less people able to make love, less chances of procreation occuring, therefore less children.

3) the attitude of those IDIOTS who do not signal results in dissonance and negative feelings about wanting to bring another life into this land filled with those same IDIOTS who are selfish, think only of themselves and aren't concerned with the rest of humanity( think the Hague will put them on trial?). since there are negative feelings associated with the idea of bringing a child into this world, mental barriers are created that lead to the lack of progeny.

4) in a bid to get their current child to school on time, which by the way starts waaaaay toooo EARLY, parents forget simple road etiquette and tend not to signal when required to by law. they become IDIOTS. hence to keep the genetic pool uncontaminated, it is best for them not to have more children. subconsciously realising their worthlessness, their non-desire to procreate is often manisfested as reluctance and hesitation to make love with their spouses due to crappy reasons like 'too tired' or 'not tonight' or 'what if the children hear us?'. thank god for less IDIOTS.

hence based on the four seperate trends as briefly outlined above, it can be seen that these IDIOTS' failure to do the simplest action while driving, can result in one of our nation state's gravest problems.

all comments are welcome.

3 straight, not straightened:

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 7:19 PM, Blogger inspirethereal said...

hey peeps, don't follow the link in the comments. it's a trojan. hope that Idiot craps himself up pretty soon.

At 10:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

where's ur sense of humour, inspirethei.d.i.o....t?


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