Sunday, March 20, 2005

shout shake glug laugh laugh ooohh so good i was on mobilisation manning...BUT i didn't get mobilised. *lol* all that worrying for nothing. haha..yes debbs..i know..*faces downwards* next time i don't care so much about it okay?

and the best part is...i actually had a great weekend..attended eve & ken's wedding on thurs (woo hoo!), caught yousou n dour's mosaic performance@the esplanade on friday (stand shake try to follow rhythm sit down stand again), had one for one at wine bar after(glug glug glug), went to the arts house first year anniversary on sat where i caught 'bibiks in parliament'(laugh laugh laugh), then i watched hitch with baby (laugh laugh laugh again)and sunday spent it chillin' out and caught the beginning of someone else's wedding( good so good).

bibiks was actually really pretty good..they have a performance coming out in sept under the 'main wayang' production group. do check it out!


question of the day: why must chinese weddings traditionally be such a big thing?

0 straight, not straightened:

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