Monday, November 14, 2005

my freaking morning at the australian embassy

I spent like 4.5 bloody hours at the Australian Embassy earlier today.

1) for someone else, not myself.
2) to hear the words, ' we are investigating', 'we are waiting for information', 'we do not know how long it will take', 'thanks you can go now'.
3) did i mention that i didn't get an explanation as to why i was there for 4.5 bloody hours on a monday morning?
4) anyone knows the service quality dept number that i can call...just to have someone from the organisation on the line - so that i can farking yell at them. yes, it will make me feel better.
5) don't get me wrong, i still like the aussies. it's their freaking embassy staff and all that i am griping about. (yes BE, Nic and DE, i still love you guys.)
6) frustration cannot be avoided when you wait 4.5 hours to hear,
'yes you can go now, that will be all.'
'can i ask why were we waiting for so long?'
'no, i cannot share that with you.'
'that will be all'
...and dismisses us with a glance.
7) yes i am still pissed.

0 straight, not straightened:

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