Sunday, October 02, 2005

i ran until my the soles of my shoes came off

i was just doing my regular run and the sole of the right side came off towards the end of my sprint.


next thing you know i need new socks as well cos the dang heat must be burning the feet off. (yes i must be kidding - as dramatic as the title is, it really isn't the way it could be imagined to be.)

it's less than 100 days to 2006. isn't that exciting? like fwah, 2005 not even really rockin' yet and the new year is here! personally, cannot wait for 2006 to get here man, it's like the last 90 days of 2005 is jammed packed with waaaaaaayyy too much stuff.

what happened? it's like everyone was snoozing through the first 8 months then realised that they have too much (insert term; choice between time/money/resources/interns/pent-up frustration) and decided to fill up the remaining calendar dates with whatever they can that hopefully will make the half-year report look good.

bloody hell.

0 straight, not straightened:

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