Monday, January 02, 2006

2005 teardrops, 2006 dreams?

alright, so we pass into another new year, saying and thinking more of the same, 'this year will be better and this year will see this or we will do that and yada yada yada...'. you know, all those usual excuses about what we could have done, or where we might have gone and even what others might have decided to do so that we would have done something. remember, those words are simply hot air.

let's move straight through the crappish bullshit and begin from a higher spiral then we were, in the year before.2005 was as good a year as you made it out to be, as you allowed it to become. 2006 will be even better, even more special...but only if you let it be.

so for this year, i will not make any more ridiculous demands on myself to reach this goal or use the new year as motivation to make it through the first 6 months then fake myself (somehow) to stretch through the remaining 6 months.

i will start it off simply. this year, i would like to encourage myself to be:

1. healthier by means of a balanced diet and regular exercise. (means i still get to drink my rum. in case anyone was wondering.)
2. read more books especially the biographies and the novels. (this came about thanks to Kim Stanley Robinson and his book 'The Years of Rice and Salt - after i finished it, i realised how much i missed thinking about content. those interested in alternative views of history should read his book. he works through 'what if the plague wiped out europe in the early centuries?'.)
*reminder to self: pay library fine.
3. make my liqudity work harder for me. (agents, don't bother messaging. i already have someone.)
4. travel, backpack or daytrek. (that will require further discussion; stay tuned.)
5. find a lovely place called home.

so as the days go by, and 2006 moves on, i hope that the opportunities to create or do the above happen. that is my simple dream for 2006.

1 straight, not straightened:

At 11:29 PM, Blogger lin said...

did i see the term backpack????? come come come come!! theres a huge europe for you to conquer!


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