Sunday, October 08, 2006

5 weeks flew me by...

ok to set the record straight. i didn't flee to BKK because of work; i wasn't lost in BKK either (had lorri and william to guide us around); and no i wasn't there during the coup either. how does everyone get these ideas at all just because i have not blogged in 5 weeks.

what happened? work happenned. work that was supposed to have been cleared in the 2 weeks of reservist didn't disappear. in fact it waited like a predator, crounched and hidden in the vast recesses of the inbox and the file system; and when i logged on with my account, it jumped! and so i was backlogged for maybe 2 weeks clearing the previous 2 weeks.

and as i was dealing with the 2 weeks within 2 weeks, life went on and i found out i had 2 weeks additional! what a life. so that occupied me for alil while and i reached last week. so last week flew by as it normally does in the PR industry that i find myself a part of.

anyways just as an update. in no particular order. caught russell peters last night. fantastic! that guy is worth every cent of the $87 ticket that i paid. it was not only laugh a minute, it was non-stop laughing. he had a prepared part and then in my opinion, went full on to do impromtu stuff. he picked on chinese, indian, american, english but referred to malays as "brown". think he hasn't figured them out yet. of cos, the audience also educated him that we are a nation of downloaders when he realised we ALL knew his jokes from his comedy central material. *pat pat*

was doing medical cover for the hsbc wakeboard world cup 2006, when dallas friday got brought into my medical centre. poor girl, she apparently landed on the wrong side of the wave/crest and suffered a fracture. i heard more complications as well. hope that she recovers. it's like soccer; you get a serious injury and you literally lose your career. check out saturday's TNP; they wrote about this guy who does microsurgery or something, hopefully there's someone like that in the extreme sports ecosystem.

calvin's birthday at eastside passed by last tuesday. happy birthday bro! hope that you didn't wake up with too much of a hangover.

jason and rachel's wedding is coming up 20 October. good luck and hope that the preparations are smooth throughout. if not, can call me, i will help. =)

was talking to taleofacat ; telling her that i hoped that the haze would come back and the PSI level would average 150 and up. apparently it will be dangerous/hazardous and NEA will advise people to stay in and not step outside the home. maybe there will be no work for a day or two!! that would be good. haha, such secondary school sunday mentality. thanks for the sad tango song babe!

oh yah, it's the mooncake festival. *yum* i like eating mooncakes but this year seems different. there's cake in the office, at home but i haven't finished more than a full mooncake yet. i wonder why. maybe i should take a walk down to orchard road and get the snowskin from marriott.

for an interesting read about how they name stuff on mars,click here. i like the fact that we are exploring new frontiers and all the high tech stuff and all. but asking Observer to explore Victory seems like a comic to me.

oh finally, saw this really cool place at astoria park. it's out of my budget range; but it comes with all the furniture and two plasmas! and the kitchen is all fully equipped; oven and stove and all. *sigh* please let me win that damn singapore sweep.

2 straight, not straightened:

At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, see lah. you need training on time management. tsk tsk. go ask BE for some! =P

most welcome for the song. and again, i would like to reiterate that it is not sad. just passionate and emo.

astoria park... rental or purchase? how come got tv and furniture?

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, and you can call me cat.. ;)


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