Thursday, June 02, 2005

school holidays are heeerreee!

hey! i did report for work. was at venue for the intel event by 8. trust me, it wasn't easy. and i stoned out nearly the whole morning. but that's ok...pool won! almost anything can be justified by having them win the european hope they get to defend the title. *crosses fingers*

school hols are here! the roads in the mornings have never been better to drive. here are the three top reasons why school should not begin so early in the bloody day:

- no more insane AND late parent rushing to get their precious brat to school and in the process putting the kid through ten degrees of death anymore AND me through 5 degrees of it.

- the radio dj can actually say on air 'there are no road conditions to report of today. wait, that sounds it just me or is there some kind of dissonance...'

- no more jams in front of traffic lights near schools, no sudden right turns by parents (read:idiots) who try to beat the U-turn queue by illegally turning at the traffic light (amen to that) and importantly, no near accidents with brats other than their own as parents (read:fools) try to rush their kids to school for assembly.

0 straight, not straightened:

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