Monday, January 24, 2005

sometimes i wonder

the weeks seems to be slightly faster this year around. like i was telling some people earlier this month, it seems 2004 never truly ended and we are into an extended year with 24 months and lotsa stuff already filling on the plate.

sometimes i wonder -

why does the east bound train, in the evening, take two south bound trains always packed full? if they want full capacity, squeezing poor tired souls like sardines isn't going to earn them loyalty points.

why does it take an effort for others to just watch out and take care of each other? granted, it's a full time job but isn't the satisfaction of having something go right for once, worth it?

why does it take so much conscious thought just to be nice? have we gone past the sunset and seen all that there is to see, such that we know whether or not someone will learn by us being mean.

why does it take only an email from someone to brighten up a day, elicit a laugh, provoke amusement? and yet, it takes so little thought to just say no. are we being fair to ourselves?

sometimes i wonder too much, i think. too much thought leads to one doing a mental double flip and doesn't make the mind lighter.


0 straight, not straightened:

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